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A 4-week committed series
Thursday Nights in January, 2010
7-10:30 PM
In this time of the New Year, we deepen in primordial silence, into the formless ground of being from which creation and manifestation arise. We emerge from the depths, and are invited to take new steps into our life. We stream forth with vision, manifesting our Soul’s Destiny here on this Earth. Through reverie and movement, we will enact a new cycle of conception, implantation, gestation, and birth. This is a call to fall into the well of origin, to rise with an original dance of individuality that has the flavor of risk, vivid vulnerability, and a resounding affirmation of being alive.
Continuum Studio
1629 18th St., Ste. 7
Santa Monica, CA 90404
click here for directions and an interactive map!
Cost of Series: $150
Pre-registration required
Contact Malcolm at otorongo@earthlink.net
See Flyer
We come together in community and create a safe place where we can explore an Embodied Spirituality. Night dives based on Continuum movement, breath, and sounds take us deep into the consciousness of our bodies,and put us in touch with a bio-energetic intelligence that cues us into a fluid movement that allows us to decompress and self-heal. We expand spherically into a multi-dimensional energy field, where we are nurtured by its richness into a coherent Wholeness.
We work with a theme in each class to provide a context of meaning for this oceanic experience. Metaphors and meditations based on ancient traditions suggest a roadmap for your own individual inquiry into consciousness, as we dwell on that mystical threshold between form and formlessness, transmuting the limitations of time-space into Timelessness and Spaciousness. Particular attention will be paid to how this work can translate into a way of Being that is more in flow, more grounded, more joyful - a life more fully lived!
February 4, 11, 18, 25
March 4, 11, 18 (last class)
Single class $30; Series of 4 classes $100
Classes will be held at the following location:
Continuum Studio
18th St. Arts Complex
1629 18th St., Ste. 7
Santa Monica, CA 90404
click here for directions and an interactive map!
Any new students are asked to contact Malcolm first at: otorongo@earthlink.net
If you'd like updates on the Class schedule, please let Malcolm know, so he can add you to his class mailing list! Please note that classes are not every Thursday or Saturday!!
Shamanic Arts and Continuum are interwoven with Meditation, Myth, and Metaphor from spiritual traditions, as we explore in depth both our fluid ancestry and our Hearts’ treasure-holds.
Delving into the Serpentine consciousness of our cranial-sacral pathways, we enhance the potency of our midlines through movement and meaning.
Tuning into the Heart as the most powerful electro-magnetic generator in the body, all systems are invited to entrain with its resonance, bringing the entire body into a coherent wholeness.
Coming home to the innate Heartfulness of our inner Serpent, we realize ourselves as primal creative life-force that is guided by the ancient Wisdom of the Heart.
*Continuum experience required
Early registration $300/ $325 after June 15th
Continuum Studio
1629 18th St., Ste. 7
Santa Monica, CA 90404
click here for directions and an interactive map!
To register:
Continuum Office 310-593-4651
Our weekend workshop will be an experiential journey of Spirit within the Body. Ancient spiritual traditions and quantum physics inform us that consciousness co-exists with form, that Spirit interpenetrates Matter. In this workshop, we explore this Mystery that underlies all things, as we move into a sensory reality of this Oneness.
In Shamanism, we transition from analytical thinking into sensory awareness. Thus we move into the vast territory of the Heart, which perceives the unseen realms of Spirit. We then resonate from a Heart Coherence that embraces the World in a deeper way.
We begin by establishing a safe container, an alchemical cauldron of Transformation within our assembled group. The practice of Council allows everyone to share their Intention for a transformational journey, to speak the change they wish to become in their lives. We will broaden our individual reference to encompass a community of trust and co-visioning, as we share and learn from each other.
Group Drumming at the beginning of each day will summon helping Spirits and Guides to assist us in our work. Shamanic Ceremony and Guided Meditation will bring us into Sacred Space, where perception deepens and magic happens. Shamanic Journeys to the Drumbeat will take us into alternate realities for healing and visioning, as we access Power Animals and work with Intention to transform our lives.
A centerpiece of our work together will be Continuum, a practice using breath and sounds, as well as subtle micromovements and wave motions, to enter into the fluid system of the Body. As we dissolve rigid structures and behavior patterns, we surrender into a bio-energetic intelligence of the body that allows us to decompress and self-heal, restoring a birthright of expansiveness and well-being. We enter an oceanic consciousness that resonates with our environment multi-dimensionally. We access not only our primordial ancestry, deeply embedded in our cells and DNA, but also a vast network of energy that is available to us through interaction with the Cosmos.
Ecstatic Dance will take us from meditative stillness to joyous celebration, as we explore movement in space and space in movement. We will dance our way into strong healing currents and expanded awareness of our energy fields.
Our time together will be deeply
restorative, nurturing the body and soul into a cohesive Wholeness,
and will bring into our lives new Vision and a greater sense of Empowerment.
More information can be found on the Weg der Mitte website:
For registration, please contact:
Weg der Mitte
Kloster Gerode, Germany
August 6-11, 2010
Kloster Gerode, a 12th-century monastery set in the idyllic countryside of central Germany, blesses us with an environment of serenity and nurturing. In this safe Haven, we truly can feel the shamanic truth of standing between Heaven and Earth.
This year, we are adding an extra day to our Retreat, in order to go deeper into the various pathways with which we are working, and to have more time in Silence and in Nature to assimilate our experiences.
We will begin with the Art of Council to establish a community of trust and co-visioning, a safe container that will hold us as we surrender into the universal healing power that is available to us within our bodies and through our interconnection with Nature. Our work together will transition us from a linear, analytical way of thinking into the expansiveness of sensory awareness. An awakened resonance of Heart will take us into seeing with the Heart and thinking with the Heart, allowing us to witness the unseen realms of Spirit.
Our work will incorporate Shamanism, Continuum, and Ecstatic Dance to create layers of rich experiences, as we accumulate a momentum that transports us through profound transformation.
Group Drumming at the beginning of each day will summon helping Spirits and Guides to assist us in our work. Shamanic Ceremony and Guided Meditation will take us into Sacred Space, where perception deepens and magic happens.
Shamanic Journeys to the Drumbeat will take us into alternate realities for healing and visioning, as we access Power Animals and work with Intention for our lives. Outdoors in the beautiful grounds of the Kloster, we will commune with nature spirits, plants, and animals.
Continuum uses breath and sounds, as well as micromovements and wave motions, to dissolve any tension and rigidity in our bodies, allowing us to move into a fluid wisdom that is our birthright. We come to be guided by a bio-energetic intelligence, we access a potency within our life force, and we enter an oceanic awareness that resonates with our environment multi-dimensionally.
Ecstatic Dance takes us from a reverent stillness into joyous movement, as we explore inner and outer space, ride healing currents, and erupt in celebration. In both Continuum and Ecstatic Dance, as we listen to our bodies and expand into our energy fields, we access both our primordial ancestry and our relationship with the Cosmos.
Throughout our time together, we will explore the Great Mystery, the Spirit underlying all things. As we stand between Heaven and Earth and work with energies of both, we move into a deeper level of well-being and empowerment in our lives. Flowing within form and aware of the formless, we move into the Wholeness of an Embodied Spirituality.
More information can be found on the Weg der Mitte website:
For registration, please contact:
Otorongo's Lair © 2009,2010 Malcolm Groome