This Class gives us an opportunity to come together in community to explore an embodied spirituality. Night dives enhance the aspect of Continuum that is based in the Mystery Schools, as we explore serpentine movement, our fluid ancestry, and a resonance with the Cosmos. Emphasis will be on dissolving any rigidity of form, surrendering into stillness, and dwelling on that mystical threshold between form and formlessness. We will be tuning into a Oneness that is at the ground of Beingness, beyond all duality, underneath all manifestation, and allowing this Awareness to permeate and inform our daily lives.
March 12, 19 and 26
April 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30
(April 2 and 30 classes start at 7:15 pm)
May 7, 14, 21
June 25
July 2, 9, 16
(July 9 class starts at 7:15 pm)
September 3, 10, 17, 24
October 1, 15, 22, 29
November 5, 12, 19
December 17
$25 per class through the end of the year
Classes will be held at the following location:
Continuum Studio
18th St. Arts Complex
1629 18th St., Ste. 7
Santa Monica, CA 90404
click here for directions and an interactive map!
Any new students are asked to contact Malcolm first at:
If you'd like updates on the Class schedule, please let Malcolm know, so he can add you to his class mailing list! Please note that classes are not every Thursday or Saturday!!
Continuum Studio, Santa Monica, CA
March 21 and 22, 2009
10 am - 6 pm
This experiential workshop will alternate Continuum sequences, journeying to shamanic drumming, and guided meditation.
Day One we will call on Power Animals, trace our Primal Wounds, engage in Soul Retrieval, and move into Deep Healing.
Day Two we will invoke Empowerment for our lives, open to Evolutionary impulses, receive Visions for our Future, and rest into Stillness.
Throughout our time together, we will partner with the Spirit underlying and permeating all things.
Flowing with form and aware of the formless, we move into the Wholeness of an Embodied Spirituality.
Location: Continuum Studio
1629 18th Street, Studio #7
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Fee: $200 before February 28th; $235 after March 1st
To register or for more information, send email to Malcolm at
Ancient spiritual traditions and quantum physics inform us that consciousness co-exists with form, that Spirit interpenetrates matter. In this workshop, will explore this Mystery that underlies all things as we journey into a sensory experience of this Oneness.
As in past years, we will incorporate the practice of Council, creating a community of trust and co-visioning, a safe cauldron for our transformative process, where we can speak and listen from the heart. We will explore our inner depths using three major ways: Continuum, Shamanism and Ecstatic Dance.
Continuum is a practice using breath and sounds, as well as subtle micromovements and wave motions, to enter into the fluid system of the body. As we dissolve rigid structures and behavior patterns, we surrender into a bio-energetic intelligence of the body that allows us to decompress and self-heal, restoring a birthright of expansiveness and well-being. We enter an oceanic consciousness that resonates with our environment multi-dimensionally. We access not only our primordial ancestry, deeply embedded in our cells and DNA, but also a vast network of energy that is available to us through interaction with the Cosmos.
In Shamanism, we realize our interconnectedness with the elements, the directions, and all life forms within Nature, as well as the union with all things through Great Spirit. Shamanic Drumming Journeys will launch us into alternate realities for healing and visioning, as we access power animals and enlist the help of spirit guides.
Ecstatic Dance will take us from meditative stillness to joyous celebration, as we explore movement in space and space in movement. We will dance our way into strong healing currents and expanded awareness of our energy fields.
Our work together will be deeply restorative, nurturing the body and soul into a cohesive Wholeness. We will learn to simultaneously be fluid with form and attentive to the formless. This is the work of Embodied Spirituality.
More information can be found on the Weg der Mitte website:
For registration, please contact:
Weg der Mitte
Kloster Gerode, Germany
August 8-12, 2009
Kloster Gerode, an old monastery set in the idyllic countryside of central Germany, blesses us with an environment of serenity and nurturing, where we can open to the healing energies of Nature. During these five days, we will create a safe container that will help us to enter a deeper and deeper state of surrender into the universal healing power that is available to us. Working with the art of Council to share our experiences and feel our connection, we will also call on three major ways of working: Continuum Movement, Ecstatic Dance, and Shamanism.
Shamanism brings us into communication with power animals and spirit guides, and enhances our interconnectedness with all of Nature. Drumming Journeys facilitate our entrance into alternate worlds to receive healing and vision. The grounds of the monastery provide an excellent place to communicate with nature spirits and deepen our connection to the elements and life forms of Nature.
Continuum uses breath and sounds, as well as micromovements and wave motions, to dissolve any tension and rigidity in our bodies, allowing us to move into a fluid wisdom that is our birthright. We are guided by a bio-energetic intelligence, as we enter an oceanic awareness that resonates with our environment multi-dimensionally.
Ecstatic Dance takes us from a reverent stillness into joyous movement, as we explore inner and outer space, access healing currents, and erupt in celebration. In both Continuum and Ecstatic Dance, as we listen to our bodies and attune our energy fields, we access both our primordial ancestry and our relationship with the Cosmos.
Throughout our time together, we will explore the Great Mystery, the Spirit underlying all things. As we stand between Heaven and Earth and work with energies of both, we move into a deeper level of well-beingness and empowerment in our lives. Flowing with form and aware of the formless, we move into the Wholeness of an Embodied Spirituality.
More information can be found on the Weg der Mitte website:
For registration, please contact:
Otorongo's Lair © 2008 Malcolm Groome