Otorongo is the black jaguar, sacred to the shamans of the Amazon
Healing Visioning Empowerment
. . . toward an Embodied Spirituality
Painting by Barbara Mindell

Continuum is a practice using breath, sounding, and movement to enter into the fluid system of the body. Our culture, our conditioning, even our birth traumas have harnessed us with linear movement, rigid behavior patterns, and fragmented bodies. The speed and stress of our culture causes our physical system to compress, leading to health issues and a closing down of the system. Compression leads us to repeat what we already know, allowing no space for something new, stifling our growth and evolution.

Continuum assists us in dissolving obstructions in our bodies and thoughts that no longer serve us. We learn to let go of repetitive patterns of movement as we surrender into a bio-energetic intelligence within our bodies that cues us into a new way of moving that allows us to decompress and self-heal, restoring a birthright of expansiveness and well-being. We enter an oceanic consciousness within our bodies that resonates with our environment multi-dimensionally. We access not only our primordial ancestry, deeply embedded in our cells and DNA, but also a vast network of energy that is available to us in interaction with the Cosmos.

Continuum is deeply restorative to the health of the body, nurturing the body into a cohesive wholeness.

We learn to simultaneously be fluid with form and attentive to the formless. This is a work of Embodied Spirituality.

Featured article: EMBODYING SPIRIT: Shamanism and the Continuum of Life

More information on Continuum, founded by Emilie Conrad, and a worldwide schedule of classes and events can be found at:


Painting by Barbara Mindell and used with the permission of Emilie Conrad.

Otorongo's Lair © 2008 Malcolm Groome